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The Multi-Mission Management System (MMMS) incorporates the advanced technology, system design, features and capabilities included in the SBAS-enabled Flight Management Systems (FMS) with special interfaces for Search and Rescue (SAR), surveillance, law enforcement, and other special missions operations.
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The Multi-Mission Management System (MMMS) incorporates the advanced technology, system design, features and capabilities included in the SBAS-enabled Flight Management Systems (FMS) with special interfaces and the ability to fly six distinct patterns. The MMMS features Drifting Target and Mark On Target functionality for Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, as well as Night Vision Goggle (NVG) compatibility essential for SAR and other special missions. A Flight Plan Erase option allows the active flight plan and stored pilot data to be erased automatically upon removal of system power. The MMMS is unmatched for special mission operations such as search and rescue, reconnaissance, surveillance, maritime patrol, border patrol, geophysical survey and flight inspection.
The MMMS generates and steers the aircraft through six pattern types: rising ladder, expanding square, racetrack, sector search, orbit and border patrol. From the Control Display Unit (CDU) the operator is able to select the pattern and define the specific parameters appropriate to the mission.
The type of pattern is graphically displayed along with active/interrupted status and leg sequencing. Track, bearing, time and distance are numerically displayed as referenced to appropriate pattern waypoints throughout mission operations.
Patterns can be activated, canceled, or interrupted at any time. The pattern being flown can be interrupted and a new pattern selected. This second pattern can be terminated and the aircraft automatically returned to the first pattern at the point of interruption. This special capability provides you with the greatest degree of flexibility and control of real-time inflight parameters while maintaining mission integrity.
In addition, a configurable input option for roll steering gain allows helicopter operators to achieve maximum bank angles, if necessary, during search patterns.
The MMMS is a specialized software version available for the SBAS-enabled FMS, including the UNS-1Ew, UNS-1Espw, UNS-1Fw and UNS-1Lw models.
These MMMS systems may support interface capabilities which are in addition to those standard with the associated FMS. These may include types of TACAN, radar, Doppler, EFIS and others. Specific details can be found by calling your Universal Avionics sales representative